The Maxia rod firm presents three models for three different techniques for two-hand rods.
The two-hand rods for the Spey cast, the traditional technique for fishing Atlantic salmon with two-handed rod. This series is presented with 5 models of lengths that vary between 13 feet and line 8 to the huge 18-foot rod for lines 11 or 12. They are rods of fast progressive average action with an excellent recovery at high speed (this action is the more recommended for traditional Spey rods). The rods are manufactured in 4, 5 and 6 sections for the 18 feet. The graphite for the two-hand rods is of the same quality as that used for the single-hand rods. The Spey cast technique (the same as the famous Scottish salmon river that gave it its name) and its Double Spey variant as well as several complementary casts is another passion within the world of fly cast.
Two-handed Maxia rods for Scandinavian cast have 3 models in 12, 13 and 14 feet and lines from 7 to 10. The actions are the same as for the traditional Spey rods. They are commonly used for fishing Atlantic salmon in all the big European and Canadian rivers, and also serve to fish the huge inmates found in the wide and cold rivers of the Baltic and the great North Atlantic. All rods are manufactured in 5 sections to facilitate transport.
Finally a fly rod for Switch can be used to fish large trout in large rivers or small salmon with casting above the head. The brand introduces 2 12-foot models on lines 6 and 7. The two rods are manufactured in 4 sections. They are the easiest two-hand rods since the cast does not require a great technique.
With these three series of two-hand rods SS spey, SC scandinavian and 2HL switch finalizes the large stock of models of the fly rod firm MAXIA FLY RODS. They are contained prices if we count that they are special fly rods for casting large artificial flies in two hands.
Prices for two-hand rods vary between € 610 on Switch rods and € 790 for Spey rods or Scandinavian rods.
Likewise and finally the brand presents 5 different models of manual reels of good quality and at a good price to complement with their rods. These are lightweight large arbour reels for lines between 3 and 9, to satisfy the majority of fishermen and to fish from trout, cyprinids, pikes or salmon and saltwater fish. All the reels are provided with “click” sound in the collection and are built with CNC aluminum in one piece and of good quality.
The model “Skagit” has a good Teflon disc brake system fully sealed for use in salt water. The model UL3 reel for line 3 is very light (weighs only 106 gr) and is very suitable for nymph fishing. The price for this reel is 95€ .
The MXR reels are three models for lines 4, 5/6 and 7 for light fishing lines such as lines 4 or 5/6 for dry fly fishing and heavier nymphs. Line number 7 is for lake or reservoir fishing. Their prices range from € 175 to € 195 depending on the model chosen.
The WARRANTY for the Maxia Rods for breakage is the same as that of most of the prestigious North American brands. That is, a small amount is paid to provide a new section to replace the broken section. Obviously, a section or a strut is not the same price as the heel with the cork handle and reel seat of the rod that increases the price a little more. Likewise, the firm Maxia makes repairs for fly rods. This in our days is to be appreciated when we have a rod to which we want to change a reel seat or replace the cork that has been degraded by use, or simply change all the rings for wear or to change them for better ones.
I do not want to finalize this article without expressing my admiration and thanks to Alejandro Viñuales and the entire MAXIA FLY RODS team for having in our country a brand of world prestige in the manufacture and confection of handmade fly rods.
~ Carles V.